Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Movie Analysis Zootopia - 809 Words

Alexandria Lara Theater 7B Professor Foster 6 December 2016 Zootopia The animated movie, Zootopia, is about an unlikely partnership between Judy Hopps who is rabbit police officer and Nick Wilde who is a red fox as well as a con artist. In the beginning of the film, it shows Judy as a young bunny and then progresses to when she’s older and has fulfilled her dream of becoming the first rabbit police officer in Zootopia. On her first day of the job, she was assigned to parking duty despite being top in her class. She asks to be put onto one of the cases of the fourteen missing animals but is dismissed by her Chief, Bogo. While giving out tickets, she’s hustled by Nick. The next day, Judy abandons parking duty to make an arrest and Chief Bogo lectures her. Mrs. Otterton enters Bogos office begging for someone to find her husband Emmitt, 1 of 14 predators went missing. Judy volunteers, causing Bogo to fire her for insubordination until the assistant mayor praises her letting the mayor know she s taking the case. Bogo gives her 48 hours to find Otterton on the condition that she must resign if she fails. Judy blackmails Nick into helping her on finding Mr. Otterton since he was the last to see him. They discover the missing animals and anyone involved was arrested. During Judy’s press conference she upsets him by suggesting a biological cause for the recent predator behavior at a press conference, and he leaves causing Judy to quit out of guilt. Back in her hometown, JudyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Zootopia902 Words   |  4 PagesHernandez 24 October 2017 Comp. 1 5th Hour Movie Review Zootopia Judy Hopps, also known as Ginnifer Goodwin, is a fictional character in the movie Zootopia. Zootopia is an action packed animated film that came out on March 4, 2016. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Implementation Plan For A New Outlook From Local...

The implementation plan indicates modifications made from the original plan, to add local business owners. This modification will give a new outlook from local business owners and benefit the community. For example, the local business owners can anticipate damages from disaster and offer insight on the impacts during pre-disaster planning. The implementation plan will support the community plan by; historical management, prioritizing, and community support. By looking at Arkansas history of disaster, strategies can be developed to decrease the impacts. In the past Arkansas, the federal government has paid out disaster aid of over one billion and 120 million dollars. By prioritizing tasks by the most important to the least important, Little Rock can better plan to cover a total of 152,000 buildings. By implementing these factors will increase community satisfaction and promote community development; which will increase volunteers and community support. Implementing these strategies and procedures will increase our communities chance for survival and decrease the impacts of disasters. We need this modification in our mitigation process within three months, since this will reduce potential lose and increase community satisfaction. Community Profile I live in West Little Rock, Arkansas. My community is between the Rock Creek and Summit Ridge area. My community has hospitals, office buildings, and apartments. It also has schools, churches, and residential area withShow MoreRelatedExecutive Summary : Our Company Tnt Auto Sales Inc.1362 Words   |  6 PagesI. Executive Summary: Our company TNT Auto Sales Inc. implements a new approach to used car sales. It only begins with the quality and reliability of the cars we sell. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gay marriages should be made legal Free Essays

Homosexuality has always been an easily misunderstood aspect of human’s sexual life. People have diverse opinions but also very complex feelings over homosexuality. From the ancient years homosexuals were called â€Å"human garbage† and thought to be unclean by society. We will write a custom essay sample on Gay marriages should be made legal or any similar topic only for you Order Now They were always isolated and rejected because of their sexual preferences, which were something different and unusual in comparison with the standards of society. However the way each of us deal with the fact of homosexuality depends on our own background, confusion, and personal experience with this issue. In the last years it has appeared the phenomenon of gay marriages, which actually worries society and raises many speculations about its probable legalization. Gay marriages happen more frequently in the recent years and they provoke disagreements and disputes among people. The moral issue that arises is whether gay marriages should be made legal or not. The majority of people are against legalization of this kind of marriages because they consider it as something abnormal and as a terrible sin against society, which unavoidably leads to disaster. According to the common belief gay marriages never existed in the past so there is no reason to change the already existing and well built foundations of this society. Whatever differs from the widely accepted establishment, is isolated and thrust aside. Consequently gay are not allowed to have a family and live their life as they dreamed it of. Furthermore, homosexuals are despised and rejected from the Christians and the religion in general. They are thought to be the â€Å"black ships† which do not deserve to be loved by God or by anyone else. According to our religion the two sexes have to married each other and anything else beside that is considered as blaspheme. They don’t follow the â€Å"rules† of society and religion and they have to be punished. Consequently society, decides for the structure of the most appropriate kind of family and it actually excludes the minority of homosexuals by depriving them the right of getting married, creating a family and even have or adopt children. Additionally they are not suitable to bring up a child with the normal way because inevitably one of the two sexes is absent. According to Freud the lack of one of the two sexes in a marriage ends up to be disastrous for the personality of the child. This comes as a natural consequence because the child has only one sex model to imitate and learn from. Things become even more complicated when the child is of the opposite sex from the parents. On the other hand, according to homosexuals and their supporters same sex marriages should be legalized, because all people despite their sexual preferences must be able to get married with the person they love. Homosexuality is not something repulsive but just something different that heterosexuals are not used to. Gay support the opinion that sexual orientation is something, which seems to be â€Å"‘given† and it can’t change. Homosexuals can’t deny the truth about themselves and they get in a process of discovering and accepting themselves as they are. We must do the same thing and avoid criticizing them for their choices. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with morality. Homosexuals as well as heterosexuals can be involved in sexual sin, including promiscuity, infidelity and abuse. They are just like the rest of us, they have the same rights and they deserve the same opportunities in life. Consequently, they should be allowed to get married and create a family. They can be as good parents as the ordinary parents. They can offer love, tenderness and they can contribute to the formation of their children’s personality. In conclusion homosexuality has many supporters but also many enemies. The problem that arises is whether it should be legalized or not. As we know from history all kind of discriminations led humanity straight to disaster in the past years. So as we accept every person with its benefits but also its disadvantages, we should also accept the homosexuals. Even if people cannot easily accept something new and different that inclines from what is considered as normal we must try to accept it and give homosexuals the chance to fulfil their dreams and live their lives without any unfair discriminations through legalization of gay marriages. How to cite Gay marriages should be made legal, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Project Context and Proposal Human Resource Profession

Question: Discuss about theProject Context and Proposalfor Human Resource Profession. Answer: Project Context Introduction The Human resource profession is being selected for the purpose of targeting my future profession as taken in this study the explanation of the future profession can be made by explaining the structure of the definition of Human Resource profession. Therefore I can be able to define it that it is a vocation consisting of the knowledge of some department of learning and science. It can be also deined as the profession of the teaching (Boxall, Purcell, 2009). The body of the person is also engaged in an occupation or is illustrated to be calling the respected medical profession. Main Body The profession that is selected by me shows the important characteristics of the learned profession in the field of the law, architecture, medicine, engineering or the public accounting. The Hr plays an important role in managing the overall human resource department for the organization and also enables the growth of the organization by providing support to the organization. The structure shows the framing of the degree of the work which enhances the growth of the degree which will show the appropriate structure for the enhancement of the work (Bratton, 2017). The main roles that are played by the HR is to arrange the resources for the enhancement of the organization and also shows the development of the structure for the organization. The development and the enhancement of the structure can be easily mitigated by the process of showing the behavior of the professionals. The construction of the work is being depicted in the form of the structure which puts the effort for the managem ent of learning abilities in the field of the Human Resource Profession. The recognition can be easily achieved by illustrating the figures of the learning abilities that can be structured by the organization (Durai, 2010). The enhancement of the work which is being considered as the consideration of the work which is being shown by structuring the work functions and the ability is being constructed by the process of enhancing the views of the professionals and the recognition is very much important for the maintenance of the HR professionals. Therefore this profession is being targeted as my future professional as it influences my nature by the process of the work conducted by me. The occupation can be illustrated by me who shows the enhancement of the process of the work of the undertaken profession (Foot, Hook, Jenkins, 2016). Conclusion The overall enhancement of the study which shows the structuring of the profession and also it enables the illustration of the reasons with providing the justification of the study. It also explains the nature of the work which is being enhanced by showing the variation of the hurdles and the management of the profession also shows the measurement of the views as undertaken by me with providing the requisite justifications (Ha?rtel, Fujimoto, 2010). As my capability is being explained, the enhancement of the structure also explains the structure which reflects the characteristics of mine. Therefore the HR profession is also the important part for the management of the organization that enables the construction of the project in an appropriate way and also it describes the characteristics for the purpose of stabilizing the environment. Project Proposal Working Ttle The working title is described to be the Issues of Human Resource Management. Background and the Definition of the Issue The background of working title surrounds the issues regarding the human resource management which are faced by the HR profession while conducting their work. The human resource structure is being provided by the purpose of structuring the work. The issues clearly state the management issues which include the inappropriate efficiencies, inappropriate knowledge of the workers and the inappropriate leadership development. The HR management enables the arrangement of the work process by mitigating the issues that are responsible for the development of the work and the construction of the work can be appropriately conducted by the professionals that involve the management of the workforces (Harzing, Pinnington, 2015). The implementation of the various programs for the purpose of providing the knowledge to the workers enables the increment of the effectiveness of the employees and also the enhancement of the workforce can be easily seen. The structure of the work taken by the Hr professi onal involves the management of the issues by showing the growth of the organization and the management of the challenges increases the productivity of the organization. Therefore the differences in the regional and the national competitive environment can be created by the organization for the purpose of gaining name and fame for the organization. Other than these issues, the retention, training, health and the safety issues and the workforce diversity are the issues that can be easily illustrated to this context (Ivancevich, Konopaske, 2013). Justification of the Issue The above issues that is undertaken for the study shows the factors that are affecting the environment as well as productivity of the organization. The internal environment must be balanced for the growth of the productivity of the organization and for this reason; the enhancement of the work can be easily seen in this case. The justification clearly states the management of the issues that are responsible which are responsible for creating an effective environment and also the enhancement of the work can be easily illustrated (Jones, Martain, 2013). The enforcement of the work can be easily enhanced by showing the development of the work which is depicted to be possible by mitigating the issues. The structure of the work also shows the framework of the human resource management which is being followed by the organization and it must be reviewed from time to time for the mitigation of the issues raised in the workplace environment. Critical Literature Review The human resource management is very much important for the development of an organization. The human resource managers are responsible to manage the employees of the organization. The human resource managers find and recruits right people for the right job. Thus, human resource management is an effective and systematic management of employees to achieve the desired goals. The strategies are implemented to achieve the strategic objectives and satisfying the needs of the employees. The fulfillment of the needs of the employees helps them to attain the goals (Mondy, Noe, Gowan, 2005). It is an organizational function that deals with the issues that are related to the people such as hiring, compensation, organization development, performance management, wellness, safety, employee motivation, benefits, training, communication and administration. The human resource managers play a significant role in managing the employees as well as the development of the organization. The human resour ce management includes job analysis, selection of the right people, orientation and training, determining salaries and wages, providing incentives and benefits, appraising performance, maintaining awareness, communicating with all the employees and resolving disputes (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2015). The functions that are included are planning, organization, directing and controlling. It is the process of maximum and appropriate utilization of the skilled workforce. The long term success of an organization depends on the performance of their employees. A safe and friendly environment is also provided to the employees which is important as per the rules and regulations. Gap Analysis The gap analysis is the one performance by an outside consultant or firm that can provide more detail on the resource needs. The main purpose of the gap analysis is to assess the HR goals of the company and whether the practices and systems are in place to achieve the goals. The gap auditor determines and evaluates the HR weakness and strengths that contribute from the abilities of the employees to operate in an appropriate manner (Sparrow, 2010). It is also help to determine and evaluate the gap between the existing and current workforce in the company. The human resource manager outlines the needs of the talents within the organization. The determination and evaluation of the strengths and weakness within the organizations directs the mangers to take the necessary steps. The HR managers have to provide training to their employees and maintain all the records regarding their performance. The rules, regulations and policies are implemented for increasing the performance of the employ ees. The HR professional has to meet the ethical and legal standards (Truss, Mankin, Kelliher, 2012). The gap analysis shows the performance of an organization and the efficiency of their human resource manager and employees. Gantt Chart Schedule Main Activities/ Stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Topic selection and its scope Identification of secondary data sources Preparation of research proposal Preparation of literature review Description of research methodology Preparing interview/survey, ethics form Collecting primary data Analysing data Comparing findings Conclusion and recommendations Finalising and submission References Boxall, P., Purcell, J. (2009).Strategy and human resource management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Bratton, J. (2017).Human resource management. [Place of publication not identified]: Palgrave Macmillan. Durai, P. (2010).Human resource management. Chennai: Pearson. Foot, M., Hook, C., Jenkins, A. (2016).Introducing human resource management. Harlow, England [u.a.]: Pearson. Ha?rtel, C., Fujimoto, Y. (2010).Human resource management. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Harzing, A., Pinnington, A. (2015).International human resource management. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Ivancevich, J., Konopaske, R. (2013).Human resource management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Jones, R., Martain, S. (2013).HRM fundamentals. Nollamara, W.A.: HRVET. Mondy, R., Noe, R., Gowan, M. (2005).Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., Wright, P. (2015).Human resource management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Sparrow, P. (2010).Leading HR. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Truss, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C. (2012).Strategic human resource management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.